Mid June-July Fishing- transition time
Early summer is tricky- one day it stinks, and just a few days later it can be great. A lot depends on how conditions set up, particularly the thermocline and wind direction (east is very bad!!!)

Browns are probably the most consistent fishery in Sodus. They will be found pretty much all year in 100 FOW or less. As the year progresses and the thermocline sets up, browns start to move to deeper and cooler water. They are more tolerant of warm water than most fish. They will live in mid 60 degree water with regularity. Additionally, in early summer they tend to start eating bigger baits (adult alewives spawn in May and June).

Magnum and regular sized spoons start to take a much more prominent role on brown fishing. As before, recognizing structure off any of the points is vital! Fishing off the bluffs in either direction can be hot. The browns this time of year are also MUCH bigger. Some of my best brown trout fishing days ever have taken place in 20-60 FOW in the month of July. If the water is warm, you may need to go out and fish them on the bottom in 80-100 FOW… or after a south or east blow you might be fishing them on the surface on shore!

Kings do start to show with more consistency this month. There are basically 2 places you will find kings in Sodus in July; the 80-200 range, and out WAY deep. There are a few canyons to the west of sodus that have some funky current variations in very deep water (500+) that hold fish, and any good electronics with depth contours can show you where these areas are. As a rule, I find that early summer kings are more apt to eat a spoon or flasher/fly, and they like it fast. As July progresses cut-bait becomes a much more successful tactic.